Saturday, June 11, 2005

Guilty before trial ...

The Slimes of India has already passed judgement on Greg Chappell - pronounced that he will be a failure as coach even before the team has had a single match with him at the helm. Here is my answer to the SoI:

He is being paid more than any previous coach in the history of cricket - and its for a reason. The Indian team is a bunch of super-talented stars, there is politics at the BCCI, the media scrutiny etc - all these are just some of the difficulties any coach hired to lead the Indian cricket team is going to face. By saying that Greg will fail simply because of his aggressive mindset and lead from the front mentality is ridiculous. C'mon Slimeys, atleast give the guy an oportunity to prove himself before you bring him down. And if a coach is going to fail simply because the moutain of difficulties faced is unsurmountable, then should we conclude that the Indian team is so badly star crossed that its never going to make it to the top? John Wright was in the same boat, he faced the same hurdles - ok, he had a very different style from Greggo, prefering to be the invisible hand guiding the team. But the fact remains that he did have some stellar successes to his name, braving the same odds that the SoI rants about.

Again, all that we're sayin .. is give Greg a chance!

At the very least, give the name of the person(s) who put this piece together, so that I can address these comments at him (or her or them).


Yours Truly said...

The sooner this newspaper is confined to history the better. Time is just right for its burial.

Ravi said...

Dude u read SOI??? follow my advice...don't read it unless you want to know who's sleeping with whom! But ya it's a tragedy that inspite of all this, SOI remains one of the most popular mainstream media.

ok now coming to Greg's coaching career, only time will tell... but i hope he brings abt change in Indian team's (off-late) attitude.

M said...

Change newpapers.

Aditya said...

it was one of those rare accidental visits to the SoI webpage ... wouldnt have blogged about this if i knew everyone would give me so much grief for even mentioning the SoI here!

Sameer said...

SOI has really lost its touch.. especially last few days the articles were really in bad taste.. Well finally our team proved that what they wrote was right, but thats not the way media should write..

@ days back i saw a link on SOI "Send Hate mail to Dravid and Greg".. what was that?? :O