Thursday, August 05, 2004

59 ....

thats how many years its been since the first atom bomb Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima ... and then three days later, Fat Man appeared in Nagasaki - thankfully, there has been nothing since ... touch wood! the early part of this century was supposed to be the golden age of physics - an era that can only perhaps be beaten by the days of Galileo and Newton in terms of the breakthroughs achieved about our understanding of this world - the so called Sturm und Drang period of quantum mechanics .....

the discovery and development of quantum mechanics as a key to the working of the world has been one of the greatest achievements of man, hopefully it wont be one of the most regrettable.

on a brigher note, Manindra Agrawal and two of his students at IIT Kanpur, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena, put forth their new method of determining whether a number is prime or not. here is a link to their original paper that came out two years ago today ...

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