Thursday, September 02, 2004

google ads ....

this was an ad i saw in the google ads frame, while checking my gmail account ...

Fake Mailz
Send fast, anonymous, fake email and also receive replies. $4.95/Mo.

Intrigued by that ad, i explored the website a little further ... here are some interesting snippets from their FAQ:
Why would I want to be anonymous?
There are many reasons one may want to protect their real identity. Quoting simply, we all have the right to privacy and anonymity as long as we are using for ethically correct and resonsible reasons. Being anonymous always help in many circumstances, take for instance of sending some clues to a journalist, Communicate with a self-help organization, or just want to post all those politically incorrect thoughts.

What other things do I have to consider when sending anonymous emails?
Few things that Fake Mailz suggest you as precautionary measure are:
# Do not put your personal details on the email or the attachment.
# Do not put information in the email that may narrow down the possible senders.
# Use different writing techniques than your own when sending emails.

Is it possible for the recipient to know my original information?
Under normal circumstances, you don't run the potential risk of hurting your privacy. But well, Fake Mailz do cooperate with recipient in case of legal hassles. Therefore it's always a good practise to ensure contents of email to be in compliance with terms and conditions.

And ofcourse the most important one of them all:
What if I wish to use your services for SPAM?
Spaming is prohibited at Fake Mailz. If a user account is found to violate our terms and conditions, original information will be disclosed to recipient and account banned.

pretty hilarious ... and yet kinda scary stuff ... it is easy to imagine more sinister uses of such services than just to remain anonymous on a public BB ..... now as i post it, i wonder if perhaps i should be doing it at all ... doing my bit in bringing such services to those who want em ....

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